Ahantaa Logo

Illness to Wellness to Wholeness Thru Awareness

Looking for Change?

Start with Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness with self-love enables

A kind, gentle & sustainable

Healing and Transformation

Awareness comes first ..... Always.

Heal With Ahantaa (self-awareness) aims to create self-compassionate awareness that brings healing and transformation at multiple levels. 

Ahantaa is a Sanskrit word meaning self-awareness or self-consciousness.


Take back your power with greater awareness



Support for your healing journey with BodyTalk & other methods



Support and Accountability for your growth journey

Group Work

Workshops & Courses

Enjoy your learning journey

Map of Self Care

Map of Self-Care

A free resource available to all

Self-Compassionate Transformation
Awareness is the first step to action. ~ Derick Virgil
Gratitude to the Inner Healer

Healing : Support Your Inner Healer

Awareness of your plan for healing, wholeness and success; customized by your own inner wisdom.

All healing is done by your own body-mind. Healing sessions are inspired and informed by your own inner healer. Sessions are

  • Online – In-person via Zoom
  • In-Person sessions in Singapore when current guidelines allow for it.

Coaching : Enroll Your Conscious Mind

Awareness of inner mindset blocks and resistance, ways to shift those and practical next steps to be taken.

Coaching allows for awareness of our strengths and mental blind spots. It helps the brain to build new neural connections that support both inner and outer actions. It works well when you are ready to take consistent inner and outer action and be held accountable.

All coaching sessions are online - in-person.

Group Work

Workshops : Learning in & Thru a Group

Awareness of new tools learnt in an experiential environment and simple, achievable ways to integrate them in your lifestyle.

Experiential Workshops create energy and synergy within the group.

Workshops include:

  • MindScape – a 2-day event to harness the power of your sub-conscious mind
  • Heal Your Life and Managing with Heart and Mind workshops based on the work of Louise Hay
  • Reiki
  • Custom designed workshops and classes organised periodically

I explored BodyTalk to heal from a broken relationship. Through these sessions, I have been able to work on blocks in various areas of my life.

I am much calmer and happier, thanks to Nirmala's BodyTalk sessions!!

Hemma S, Singapore


I feel nourished and rejuvenated after these sessions. You have helped me understand my own body, mind and soul when they are in need of balance, nourishment and alignment.

Chun-ru, Taiwan

I was dealing with OCD and anxiety for the past few years. I was always restless and doubtful, creating negativity throughout my past life. The sessions helped me to calm down.

I learnt how to deal with my anxiety and how my mind works. I am thankful to have come into this journey.

Ashira, Singapore

Map of Self-Care : Framework for Self-Care

Awareness of the various self-care methods in 5 dimensions of your life - simple, achievable methods that can be easily integrated in your lifestyle.

This is a unique framework of Self-Care created in June-2020 amidst the pandemic.

It is a free resource available to all. Join the conversation on a platform of your choice.

Map of Self-Care
Explore Free Content

All the content is focused on Self-Care using an unique framework
Map of Self-Care

Join the free group

Join the free group to focus on your Self-Care. We all know what needs to be done. The right group allows us to be consistent.

Awareness is like the Sun. 
When it shines on things, they are transformed.   
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
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